Fire Prevention and Extinction and Occupational Health and Safety
Civil protection, security and safety of fires,
management of emergency situations
For the provision of services in the field of safety and prevention, Euro Holding offers a team of specialists – engineers, lawyers and psychologists certified by the Ministry of Labor and Social Solidarity and the Ministry of Health and Family.
What responsibilities do managers have according to the labor legislation?
The new legal framework in Romania, elaborated in accordance with the regulations of the European Union and the conventions of the International Labor Organization, establish the responsibilities of the managers in their capacity as managers and organizers of the work processes, in order to improve the working conditions of the workers and to prevent accidents at work and professional illness.
Consultancy in Occupational Health
Here is a list some of the responsibilities of the managers, according to the current legal provisions:
- Training, testing and professional development of employees, preparation and recording of individual records on occupational safety and health (according to the Law on Occupational Safety and Health 319/2006);
- Establishment of the Occupational Safety and Health Committee, the management and coordination of its activity (according to the Methodological Norms for applying the provisions of Law 319/2006, Chapter IV Organization and functioning of the Occupational Health and Safety Committee);
- Identification of the individual protective equipment necessary for the workstations in the company and the elaboration of the requirements for the workers with individual protective equipment according to the provisions of the GD no. 1048/2006 on the minimum safety and health requirements for the use by workers of personal protective equipment at the work place.
- Elaboration and follow-up of the continuous update of the warning plan, of the protection and prevention plan (according to the Methodological Norms of application of the provisions of Law 319/2006, Chapter III, art. 15 (1) point 28);
- Elaboration of own instructions for completing and/or applying the occupational safety and health regulations, taking into account the particularities of the activities and of the company, as well as of the workstations (according to the Methodological Norms of application of the provisions of Law 319/2006, Chapter III, art. 15 (1) point 3);
- monitoring the functioning of the protection systems and devices, of the measurement and control equipment, as well as of the ventilation installations or other installations for the control of the toxic emissions in the working environment (according to the Methodological Norms of application of the provisions of Law 319/2006, Chapter III, Article 15 (1) section 15);
- elaboration of the necessary documents for the authorization of the trades and professions provided in the specific legislation and their record (according to the Methodological Norms of application of the provisions of Law 319/2006, Chapter III, art. 15 (1) point 12);
- Elaboration or updating, as the case may be, the documents establishing the attributions and responsibilities from the point of view of labor security (Collective labor agreement, individual employment contracts, contracts of services providing internal decisions, Regulation of organization and functioning, job description, etc.) according to the Methodological Norms for applying the provisions of Law 319/2006
- Preparation and submission to the territorial labor inspectorate of annual statements regarding the state of labor security in the unit (according to Law 319/2006);
- Carrying out urgent and compulsory actions in the event of accidents at work or technical damages (according to Law 319/2006);
- Identifying the hazards and assessing the risks for each component of the work system, means of work/work equipment and work environment at work/workstations; (according to the Methodological Norms for applying the provisions of Law 319/2006, Chapter III, article 15 (1) point 21);
- Ensuring the audit of the safety and health at work at the company level whenever the working conditions are changed and to establish the security level; the audit involves analyzing the activity and establishing the degree of compliance with the provisions of the normative acts in force
- Implementation of safety and health management at work, according to reference OHSAS 18001/1999;
- To control, based on the activity program, all workplaces, in order to prevent accidents at work and occupational diseases;
- any other activities aimed at improving working conditions, preventing accidents at work and occupational diseases.
- all activities provided in the field of emergency situations according to the Order of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs no. 712/2005 amended and supplemented with the Order of MAI NO. 786/2005, the law on the prevention and extinguishing of fires no. 307/2006. (carrying out training, elaborating the decision base, drawing up own instructions, controls at all workplaces, developing evacuation plans in case of fire, etc.).